Friday, February 24, 2012

A fire breaks down at the tennis court on the campus of the American University in Dubai

DUBAI- A fire occurred at a tennis court of the American University on the morning of this Tuesday. The tragic incident cost the life to two students of the university, whose identities could not be revealed.

At 6.15 A.M., a security guard of the university noticed a large smoke cloud around the tennis court, but spotted the incident too late since he was taking a cigarette break. No witnesses have been declared yet due to the fact that the Tuesday was declared on holiday, and only four other students, under examination, have been declared present on campus. There are no evidence yet on how the fire started, apart from three cigarette bugs found on the crime scene.

The Media City police chief Constable Meedo Taha declared to the press, “the curious fact of the matter is that we could not find any evidence of gym bags or a clear indication that whoever was on the tennis court was there to play tennis.”

The police have found a bag containing Dokha and pipes on the tennis court, and the police chief Meedo Taha declared that the detectives have reasons to believe that the students used the tennis court for illicit exchanges.

Three out of the five cameras that have a shot on the tennis court could not get any images because of the smoke, one got whipped out, and the last one is under examination. The police are interviewing the dorms inhabitants, looking for more explication. Some students living at the dorms spotted the cloud between 6.05 and 6.15 A.M., but none could identified more evidence as to how it started. The four students declared on campus at the time, within which three are not dorms inhabitants, are being questioned.

“It is curious that we see students on campus on an off day,” said police chief Meedo Taha. “The buildings were closed prior to 6 A.M., so the question of where the students were going remains open.”

An official statement on the behalf of AUD was issued, saying that, “all flags at AUD will be flying at half mast for the next two weeks, in remembrance of the students who tragically died in this morning’s fire.”  


  1. I like the way you presented the article. To me, it sounded like you're narrating a story and stating the details one after the other. Good job!

  2. The article is well written. The quotes used are what I like about the article. Good work.
