Thursday, January 26, 2012

Article 1: Obesity in Dubai, the solutions.

Obesity is a raising issue in the UAE due to the sudden modernization of the population's lifestyle. Since the younger generations are more subjects to overweight, the government, as well as universities and private institutions, try to encourage the people to start or to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
According to the World Health Organization, the obesity rate in the United Arab Emirates in 2011 was 33.7%, placing the country in fourth position worldwide, after Saudi Arabia (35.5%), and before the USA (32.2%). Such statistics put the Ministry of Health of the UAE on alert.
Ahmed, an employee at the Ministry in Dubai, said, “The population of the emirate, foreigners or nationals, is over-weight. We are aware of the numbers and we try to encourage people to go outside and simply move, as a start. We created facilities, like the cycling track in Jumeirah, to give them opportunities of being healthy.”
However, these actions may not be enough considering the bad eating habits of many in Dubai. Donabelle, nurse at the American University in Dubai, said that obesity for the women can be explained by the confinement. “It is also easier here to go to a restaurant or a fast food to eat,” she continued, “than to cook. Not many people cook, and the burgers, sauces, and soft drinks become regular meals among the students in the university, for example.”  
Staying fit goes hand-in-hand with sports, and Donabelle remarked that about half the people in the university do go to the gym, but the other half is clearly inactive and over-weight. “I have students coming in, asking me advice on how to lose weight. There is no magic, it is all about eating vegetables and walking at least two hours per week.” She finished by saying that, to lose weight, people should look for fit friends, to keep themselves motivated. “It is all about self-discipline, that many students lack here,” she concluded.
Working out is presented to everyone with events such as the Dubai Marathon, which takes place on Friday the 27th. Appearing on the official website of the marathon, a countdown indicates that the registered members will just have one more day to wait.
“The Dubai marathon was created in 2000, but was not very popular at that time. We have come a long way since, and ten times more people participated last year compared to the first year,” stated Dunia, member of the marathon’s organization. “Usually, people participating in the marathon are already in pretty good shape, but we also have the 10km and the 3km runs. This way, we encourage everyone who likes running, or simply wants to exercise outside.” She added that, in order to help people for the D-day, they created in their website a page with nutrition tips, and a step-by-step guideline for people interested in participating, from beginners’ preparation months before, to the breakfast on the morning of the marathon. “It is a great experience,” said Alia, who participated in the 3km run last year. She added, “it was very well organized, and there are so many people, you feel the motivation coming from everyone.” She also mentioned a feeling of achievement and satisfaction when one is finished. She concluded with a smile, “It was very diverse. People from all ages and all nationalities were participating; from all weights as well, and they did not feel out of place.” 


  1. the percentage shocked me didn't know that a lot of people in Dubai are struggling with obesity! I used to be a sport addict and eating healthy food all the time! but since I moved to Dubai I feel that I never have the time to do anything and fast food seem convince. But hopefully ill go back to the right track. I think you should've mentioned that AUD offers a lot of different kind of sport classes. Good job :)

  2. A very interesting article and I agree with Norah that the percentages are shocking. Good article. I'll email specific feedback :)

  3. Thank you for the comment Norah. I did not mentioned it because I wanted to keep a general point of view, but since I mention the obesity on campus it would have been smart to also mention the solution to obesity on campus as well.

  4. A Really fascinating article. Its straight to the point. I was also shocked how the U.A.E percentage of obesity in it was more than the U.S. I really liked the quotes you used. Well done.

  5. I love it!.. I really like the way you have written it and the numbers are really shocking! .. Well done!!! :D

  6. Numbers, percentages make this article worth reading. Maybe weight matters according to how high the temperature rises per country.

  7. Very interesting article Margot.
    The quotes you used are straight to the point and it makes your article clearer.

  8. Awesome topic. You've got great quotes. A very good and popular topic in Dubai. Well done Margot

  9. I agree with everyone.Nice work!I liked how you linked obesity to the marathon, and how through the quotes you gave tips on how to stay healthy. A marathon is a fun and a great way!Kicker ending-amazing!

  10. I was totally blown away to hear that UAE stands in forth position in obesity rates. I think one more reason behind obesity aside from people avoiding daily exercising is the fact that fast food chains are all around the city, every step you move you find a different burger shop. Your article motivates the reader to go for a run right after finish reading it and your quotes are brilliant. Good effort there.
